
Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam

Academic Medical Center

The University of Amsterdam belongs to the League of European Research Universities. The Academic Medical Center (AMC) operates as a University Medical Center and has an established international reputation in health research.

Within AMC, the Department of Public Health is a key Dutch organization on research on socioeconomic, ethnic and geographic inequalities in health. It has a long tradition in policy evaluations, and many project combine quantitative and qualitative methods. Staff at AMC has ample experience with international comparative projects on health inequalities.


Tasks in SOPHIE

AMC staff were responsible of Work Package 6 (Cross-cutting methods for evaluating the impact of structural policies on inequalities in health and their determinants), and also participated in reviews of other work packages.



AMC principal investigator for SOPHIE was Anton Kunst. Other researchers involved were Moniek C.M. de Goeij, Daniëlle Kramer, Fiona E Benson, Mirte AG Kuipers, Mariël Droomers, Jizzo Bosdriesz and Umar Z. Ikram.


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